Jess: Hey it's Jess, we are... Where are we? In some small town. We're in Effingham or somewhere near, getting gas and we just had a good night last night. We stayed with some host families in Brighton, Illinois. Scott is using the restroom right now, as usual. No, don't put that in there. Don't transcribe that, Lance! Just kidding, but here's Krysty to tell some stories.
Krysty: Okay, so dude, last night I'm driving right. Just going down the road driving as you do, and Scott was way ahead of me. So I was like, "Okay you guys, buckle up 'cause I'm seriously going to speed. Which equates to five miles over the limit right, because I'm a Christian, like that's what you do. Anyway, we're going along and sure enough (the speed limit was seventy) I started going like 78. I was pushing it I admit, and there was a copper, and he pulled me over. But then he got up to the car, and he saw that we were a bunch of girls, and we were like, "Oh, we don't know where we are. What state is this?" And was like, "Okay, just try to keep it at 70." And he let us go, and it was 'cause he saw we were girls in the wrong state. It was awesome.
And yesterday we were just having these passing games with this guy in a Caddie. He had eyes for Rachael, and it was awesome.
Rachael: I took my hair down.
Krysty: And she took her hair down and flapped it in the wind as we were passing him in our Geo Metro.
"Oh my gosh, yeah the little boy!"
Okay, so last night we stayed at this family, and I was so in love. There was this little boy there. He was six years old and he had downs syndrome. His name was Conner, and he's in love with Darlene Zschech. Like, he watches her all the time on TV, or like their DVD or whatever. So hello! Child after my own heart, and he's basically in the trunk right now, 'cause I wanted to kidnap him. No, that was a joke. Totally, totally not legal and I have already broken the law. I fought the law and the law won.
That was Rachael's sweet lighter. Not me burping. You open it up. It has a hologram tiger slash... what is that a golden retriever. That is so awesome. But anyway, this is probably eight minutes long. Okay, Rachael's talking now.
Rachael: I don't want to talk, but... So we had a really good time last night with Viola, and she fed us a lot - a lot of spaghetti. And we were so full, and we just stuffed it down 'cause it was so wonderful. But she made it and it tasted really good, but we were all stuffed, but we did have a really good time, and they have a beautiful house on a lake. And I want them to be my grandparents. Here's Jess.
Jess: Alright, so that's about it. We're heading into Louisville. We'll be there in about... yeah Lacy... we had some fake Cheerios this morning, and Lacy’s stomach can only handle real ones. So she's sick. But yeah, we'll be in Louisville in about five hours, and we'll probably check in later. Okay bye.#