Feliz Navidad

I know I speak for everyone on staff and student leadership when I wish you a GLORIOUS Christmas and an EXTRAORDINARY New Year! We hope your winter break goes smoothly and safely and that you return refreshed and ready to embrace another amazing semester of Chi Alpha and all that that entails...
Krysty Kay
This was such a nice student leader dinner. It was a picture of the last time that we would all eat together before many people would either leave town for Christmas, or not be a leader anymore. There were a few of us. I had plans on making a very awesome girl my wife, which I did. I had proposed about a month after this picture was taken, and it worked out great. We were married about 6 months later. Married life is awesome. The real world is not so bad. Life is great if you keep laughing and go on dates (with your spouse),dream, and have goals, and actively love with all of your heart.
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