Homecoming 2005

Okay, I'm pretty sure that Chi Alpha is awesome. This weekend we stayed up till wee hours of the morning constructing a pirate ship... and I'm pretty sure that I will gladly be a part of any group who participates in such noble feats.
This weekend was the 2005 Homecoming parade for the Montana Grizzlies and we all
went out in style (to the biggest parade of the year) in our XA pirate ship complete with theatrical ensemble and dingy. I had the thrill of passing out candy to small children the entire route but most of them were too distracted by 'Zeek' and the 'bandit stowaway' to notice the dum-dums we had purchased for them. After the parade we shockingly dismantled our creation in a matter of 60 minutes and had a very undignified ceremony for "The Scott Barnay" besides the dumpster out back. Twenty minutes later we were cheering on the Grizzlies in an amazing game that reminded me how much I love Missoula and the first week of October... Here's to the Griz and to next year's "Naval-Worthy-Water-Craft".

Krysty Kay

Krysty, you need to get a flickr account so we can see all of your steller photos!
Okay, let me know how!
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