New XA Website
Hey, I've been working on a new design for the Chi Alpha Website, and I wanted to post my first mock-up, and see what you thought. How can the graphic design be improved? Colors? Let me know what you think. You can click the image for a large one. It's large, so you'll have to be patient while it loads.


One more thing to mention. What ever design is chosen for the XA website, I'll alter the blog template to match it.
hello. i'm here. hehe. just wanted ot let you know i made it over.
about the picrures, thats cool.
Lance! This is so funny!! I was just on the Chi Alpha websight thinking this is chill, but we really need a face lift! PLEASE use the one pictured here, I can already tell IT ROCKS! As per usual, everything you do is genius, so I can't wait to see the updated, cool, hip new!
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