World Missions Summit Part III

Jess: Happy New Year! It's 2006 in the Eastern time zone. Well, it has been for about 36 minutes. So we're all excited because you all back home are still waiting for the new year.
Zach: We beat you!
Jess: We beat you! We're having fun here in Louisville, otherwise known as Loo-eh-vol, and some people want to say some stuff.
Rachael: Happy New Year! As Jess just said we are in a new year and you guys are in an old one. How does it feel to be in the stale new year while we're - the stale old year while were in the new year? I don't know 'cause I'm not there. But we hope you guys have a great New Year. We are having fun with country western band playing for us. He he he he he he he. And also some serious rockin'... Oh, sign language interpreters that already know the words to the [unintelligible]. So awesome. But I'm going to let Krysty tell about some really awesome people that we met here. I think.
Krysty: [unintelligible] it's a new year, and I'm excited about it! Usually I'm excited about a lot of things, but 2006, psht yeah baby. Okay, so I wanted to tell you about this girl that we met here. Her name's Nora, Nora Doughty and she is beautiful. Her middle name is Teal, as in the color. Which rocks by the way. Anyway, so we meet her line as we're like standing in line as we're like standing getting chocolate fondue in this chocolate fountain which basically is going to be in my mansion in heaven and it was amazing. So anyway, only [unintelligible]. Anyway, so I'm standing in line at this like fondue fountain, and freaking out having fun. This girl is like telling us she's here from Illinois she's all alone at the moment. She came with like fifty people. Anyway, she started telling her testimony. And like she's a new baby Christian. Only saved like five months ago, and saved in a radical, powerful, amazing way and God has just been rocking her world. So great. And, I loved her to death because she'd get excited and she'd do this little like fist thing. Oh you can't see me 'cause you're on the phone. Anyway, so she was doing it and then I'd do it and then we'd all laugh at each other, and then she'd just kinda look and she had this really loud laugh except and and a chipped tooth. It was awesome. But anyway, she'd go "ahhh!" and then that would be it. And it was so great. Then we'd laugh at her some more so Nora's my new friend and she's going to check out our blog, and she's beautiful, and God is going to take her to amazing places. Here is Lacy to tell you Happy New Years.
Lacy: Happy New Year!
Krysty: And this is Zach. Going blog a little bit about his experience in Louisville.
Zach: Okay Jess, I promise I won't turn it off. No what a tragedy, the treasure would be lost forever. It was a good new year. Did some dancing, listened to a country rock band, which I think somebody already said, and a crazy rock band, and a couple of guys running "Game-a-palooza." Which was basically answer the question with any of the possible multiple choice, and you win a prize. And they gave away a million bucks. Not in our currency though, in some currency where that equals maybe a hundred dollars. But it was pretty sweet anyways. So I'm going to let Jess have the phone now for closing remarks.
Jess: That's it from here folks. We'll be blogging later. Talk to you later. Bye.#
Oh, I am still in the stale, old year. :(
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