Girl's Retreat update

Finally, almost a week later, I have an update of the girl's retreat for you.
In a word the weekend was divine. God showed up in such a beautiful way, that all the girls who attended went home changed and inspired. I can't even articulate how much God's heart is moved when His Daughters get together to adore Him. It's as if Heaven pauses to listen to the passionate worship they throw before His Throne. Truly, I sensed our Savior walk among us during the weekend and I hope you would agree that it's the sweetest thing on earth... at least us girls enjoyed it.

We also enjoyed chocolate, Mike Myers, baby cheeses, a short lived campfire, phenominal worship, a beautiful guest speaker, a lot of laughs and a much needed session of encouragement. As I stated earlier, it was divine. I can't think of a better way to spend 24 hours of my life, and you can be guarenteed that this is just the beginning of a great thing. Plans are already in the works for Daughter's Retreat 2006! So fabulous females, make sure you don't miss out next year...