Chi Alpha, Montana
and around the world

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

The Spring 2008 semester's sermons are finally posted on the Chi Alpha website. They are, for the most part, in chronological order. The dates next to the titles, however, are from when they were posted, not when they were shared at Chi Alpha, something that Lance has said he may be able to fix in the future. But the thing is, even if he can't, you can listen to the entire semester again: everything from stories of Scott's Polish wedding to Paul Whitley's southern accent to the April talk to Amanda's so-called "Chi Alpha story." Yes, you too have the opportunity listen to these stories (and more!) and fall in love with them all over again! ;) Enjoy.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Closing out One Season, Looking to a New One

So the semester has finally come to an end. Most folks' grades are posted, campus is eerily quiet and we're all hoping the weather starts to feel like summer soon. In the UM Chi Alpha, the last few weeks have seen a whirlwind of activities to close out the semester: last XA meeting, a group picture, End-of-Year BBQ and Student Leader Dinner as well as a host of other gatherings where we had to say "goodbye." Now what? Well...
We have a little break in official action, while our fearless leader Scott is out of the country on a Big Sky Expeditions missions trip. But in June Rocky will be heading up the Fireworks stand and in July Sylvia will be leading the summer Bible Study on Tuesday nights. And there will be a Rafting Trip and all other kinds of good stuff. So if you are in town, or even if you aren't, stay in touch. And happy summer to you.