Jess on Slovakia

Hi this is Jess. I am just calling to leave a blog post about what I am going to be doing in six days, which is flying over to Poland, and spending about nine days there and working with some missionaries, and working with some college students, and a youth group there just doing some construction and just street ministry, and stuff like that. Then, I'll be going to Slovakia, and working with the Gypsy population, college students, and construction. We'll be going into the schools, in the English classes, and hopefully have opportunities to share with people about Jesus. And then, after I do all that, my friend Lance is going to marry a translator, a Slovak woman named Mishka, and I get to go to his wedding, and travel around with my friend Sara, hopefully go to Prague, and maybe Koshitsa in Slovakia, and help her move into her apartment, 'cause she's going to be there for two years working with missionaries in Slovakia. That's about it. I hope you weren't bored, and I will leave another entry soon. #
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